Friday, December 18, 2009

Mini Engine Kits Hobby

Whatever the bottle

Here are 200 books that I selected for the reading lights:
List of books on liseuses.pdf
Thus loaded, the reading lights are much more interesting than the limited (or English) that is usually the default above.

In Search of Lost Time
Great novelists
History and autobiographies
Foreign Languages

News Philosophy and Religion Essays

Novels Adventure Novels
Detective novels
romance novels or psychological

epub format is chosen (or PDF if epub is really unavailable).
necessary software Calibre to convert the prc in epub.
For Christmas I await the update that would make the Cybook Gen3 can also read the epub (and not just prc and pdf).

law in France are free for the works of authors and translators have died over 70 years (100 years for the dead in the forehead like Apollinaire and Alain-Fournier). These rules vary by country, so it depends where you download ...

sites I used, in order of priority:
http:// (pdf only) (uncorrected scan)
http://www. / (many corrupt files epub)

Plus some sites that I converted the text to PDF:
(to be able to offer Chinese, Japanese and Armenian)
http: / /

More text pdf under Creative Commons (one of the few to be formatted for reading light).
I also did research on and but remember anything.

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Always Getting Cramps In Stomach

Liseuses loan at the Library of Issy

Article in ActuaLitté:

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Nail Polish For Warts

28% frequent, 7%

According to surveys of O. Donnat "The French cultural practices", attendance at public libraries has increased from 23% in 1989 31% in 1997 and 28% in 2008.

French cultural practices:

Moreover, the average number of books read increased from 23 in 1989 to 21 in 1997, then 16 in 2008.


All this is somewhat less optimistic than the Credoc which in 2006 announced "library use has doubled since 1989." He had a change of 23% to 43%, university and municipal libraries combined.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

How Long Will Ativan Be Found In Urine

compulsive buying a life

Consumerism changes our relationship to the identity and time, much more than just our relationship to the products themselves.

The link between identity and therefore time is structured as follows:

- The individual no longer defines its place in society by what it produces but by what he consumes.
- This consumerism is not defined by the act of creating artificial needs (any corporation created) but the fact of continually discredit all the satisfaction already attained.
- The consumer society exists when the act of choosing product takes the central role that was previously working in the society of producers. The daily wants and desires become the main driving force and leader of society.

- The company no longer appears as a cause in which they sacrifice necessarily share his pleasure, but it manifests itself in the form of festivals community unity.
- As the reality principle was once managed by society (moral truths, authority, great causes) it is deregulated and privatized: the individual must set itself responsibilities and limitations. Overwhelming task which he frees himself from commercial organizations. The reality principle is reflected ironically by the obligation to seek pleasure.

-The sense of urgency to provide individuals relief illusory triumph of their excess opportunities, continuing their inadequacy.
- Time pointillist, where each point is separated from others, and appears deceptively as potentially full.

Thomas Eriksen, Tyranny of the moment: "The moment itself is threatened to the extent that the next moment arrives so fast that it becomes difficult to live with this. " "We're about to create a society in which no further thought, almost no more than a few centimeters long. "

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Cargo Van Refrigerated

Auto-tune the news you

verses on: amendment climate (denounced as draconian by the Republicans), the resignation of S. Palin, the pharmaceutical lobbies, the death of M . Jackson.

"Auto-tune the news" parody of how political journalists and depict their own emotions. Since the effect autotune, an emotion fully automatic.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Mom In Bra And Panties

A head stuck on a pike No Longer conspire (or Brawl With A Pig and you go Away With history stink)

Like you, I waited for the outcome of Lebanon's parliamentary elections with bated breath. I was glad when it was clear that Aoun was biting the dust, and then I started to hold my breath in anticipation of possible street battles in Lebanon as was used in post-election , football matches or when ISPs have some booze too. As he must breathe from time to time, I decided to start over, especially as it happens eventually not much to Lebanon and that international attention is focused on Iran and its rigged elections. It's reassuring to go account that in the end it just hurt to Iran that it will go well in Lebanon. The Butterfly Effect, the waterbed or while teleporting brill. Therefore hope that this continues to go wrong in Iran. Attention is a joke, much like the Iranian elections.

Note that hezbollah is eerily quiet, just splits it a comment on the new fad of Sarkozy, the burqa-stalking. Realize in 2009 that the burqa is not even useful when camping and it is neither waterproof nor stoning-proof, nor freely chosen by the wearer shows an open mind. Opening symbolized by the arrival in government Fred Mitterrand, which is great. Just great. A bit like the approximation of Netanyahu which would, it says, relations with France rather than an Obama running less than its predecessor. One has the impression, seeing the information, a great waltz in politics that does not help, but turns heads. After all, it's summer. Accordingly, and since this blog is devoted to Lebanon, I am a joy to put on hold for the best reasons of all: the absence of problems in Lebanon, hoping for a quiet summer, then a fall of the same ilk, followed a quiet winter and spring of joy. It is good not having to worry about from time to time and write, but still keep an eye on the bearded are still the kings of the surprise party.

Monday, June 8, 2009

Wfl1601 - Washing Machine

Debate Missed on Library en

That said we do not have much mention either the cessation of national contests, the arrest of SDBIS, stopping the DLL ...

Out of sight out of mind ....

Monday, June 1, 2009

Water Ap Lab Respirometer

What model library?

While Anglo-Saxon libraries aim to render service to the user, the French libraries have the ambition to transform. This referred

"aristo-democratic" (and probably After the French Revolution) could support the development of French libraries and assign them a strong symbolic role. Nevertheless it is questionable when the numbers of registrations reached their limit.

France has been influenced by several historical models of mixed contradictory, but by combining: Library Review Library + People + + The Public Library The House of Culture. This makes it rich, but the universality of tasks adds its operation.

ambition to bring all users of Culture is not really a uniform. Indeed, except for some features municipalities such as direct access and recovery, this mission can justify any priority: activism / consumerism, news / collection, large BMVR / BM neighborhood, internet / print, literature / information practice, cataloging / opening hours ... Brief discussion of the librarians can not really decide what it should do or not, because ultimately any option may be related to any legitimacy "to the public."

Hence perhaps the current temptation to simplify matters by adopting the model of the Public Library (the library serving the information and training different types of people), but at the risk of losing a certain set of universal culture, which, moreover, French users themselves are attached.

What model library? / Collective book published by Presses of Enssib; December 2008.

Crazy Things That Sororities Do For Initiation

Septs June

On one side you have the European elections, no issue, devoid of vision and led by charismatic leaders without the Union's image. On the other, you have a choice of civilization with dismantling networks of spies, trials of terrorist attacks that go from verbal to military and military maneuvers against the backdrop of missile nuclear North Korea. Frankly, I ask you, frankly, what is the election issue that this Sunday, June 7, will hold your attention most?

Each passing day brings its share of fantastic revelations: last week, Der Spiegel claimed that Hezbollah, through its special forces, was assassinated Rafik Hariri, which of course was opposed by the party god on the ground that the links between the German weekly and Israel are well known. In return, the witch trials, or officially cons Mossad spies may incriminate half the population Lebanon, in any case the army. In addition, do not forget that the network will hezbollah trial this week in Egypt, Azerbaijan and even accuses the party of having 100% bearded hatched an attack against the Israeli embassy. March 8, feeling overwhelmed out, launches all its forces inside Lebanon and Aoun encouraged to do what he knows so well: completely delirious. So here he is accusing of being an executor Geagea, a cold-blooded killer, which, when you know a bit the history of Lebanon, recalled the history of the hospital who does not care about the charity or vice versa. And Israel has the right idée de se lancer dans les plus grandes manoeuvres de défense de son histoire, afin peut-être d'oublier la médiocrité de son action durant la guerre de juillet 2006. J'en oublie, mais voilà pour le plus excitant. 

Egyptian Foreign Minister Ahmed Abul Gheit on Sunday said that a suspected Hizbullah cell will' "pay the price" for the party's violation of Egypt's sovereignty.

    "There is no way to overcome the Hizbullah issue. Egypt has a problem with this party and its leadership," he said.

    "It is unacceptable for one side to believe that its own vision of how to help the Palestinians gives it the right to act at the expense of another country's sovereignty… This is completely intolerable," he added.

    "It was a sad day in Egypt when (Hizbullah chief Sayyed Hassan) Nasrallah reacted to the discovery of the cell by saying 'why not?'"

    "I tell him: you have crossed the line. Not only the red lines, but also any kind of respect for the state of Egypt and this cell will pay the price. (Naharnet)

Bordel sans nom. On se rappelle pourquoi le Liban est tellement fascinant : il se passe toujours quelque chose d'incroyable. Il manque l'écrivain that will tell the story of Lebanon, with its feudal, his cheap shots, its plots, her hates and her loves, her universality. June 7, is that anything can really stop in case of victory of the fascists of March 8? March 14 is, admittedly, hardly better, with a professional skipper Druze traitor, a fanatical Christian warlord and a son-in-papa quite incapable Sunni politics, all backed by a strange coalition-west Saudi Arabia. It has been said repeatedly here and elsewhere, March 14 is not a panacea, but it's still better than a megalomaniac senile orange, a bearded master of the underworld and some wrens commuter greedy revenge and territory. The paris open: each side knows cheat and use all means at its disposal to defeat at the polls. This suggests that the issue is relatively open because of some scam offset the manipulations of others. It may especially hope that this will remain a game (?) And June 8 will not be marked by a very painful transition that eventually ignite this powder keg so tempting for so many protagonists.

Dear Lebanon, the world looks at you. If only it were for good reasons. June 7, in any case, you can trump all of Europe and this will be an opportunity for once, do not miss one occasion.

Saturday, May 30, 2009

Sample Of Letter Of Request For Disconnection

All the richness of a commonplace

Blog Leslie Plée

If I do not advise Marc Levy, I recommend the comic Leslie Plée which also exists in print. It also ends with these words: "A book is to have the world in his pocket."

a short book that can not emptying the mind, but fill it in and draw a horizon in the world.

Friday, May 22, 2009

Descargar Camera Adapter 0

Species low drive

DirectSoir, free daily newspaper, 12 March 2009.

Microtrottoir: What place does reading in your daily life?

Indeed for many people with a fragmented practice of reading, it is identified as "classics" of the college (which hurt the head) and a few contemporary novels and essays (a moment of relaxation, wisdom). Migraine or aspirin.

Fatigue and lack of time cited also reflect the difficulty concentrating and tracking.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Nfl Football Players Jockstraps

Ah okay, okay, it will go (or not)

In France, it was still "Highness", this PIPOL that are famous because their family is, and therefore have nothing to prove in order to achieve the status of sacred. Charlotte Gainsbourg in part, through the marketing talent from his dad. We do not really know what she did because she sings in a thin voice, she plays the comedy at times (although it is often his own role, see below "My Wife Is an Actress") It is ugly but he is always the charm because she reminds her dad so much and so we forgive him and admire his untouchable status of culture. Recently the big TV, she came to talk about the latest dirty trick by Lars von Trier, where she holds one of the leading roles. You can almost know whether a film is good in the way the actors / actresses are promoting. Princess Charlotte was careful to use the words used by aaaaaartistes hollow to talk about their colleagues in poetic terms they say: "I am so happy to be part of his universe blah blah blah I have great affection for him blablabla He has really pushed me so that I get the best of myself blablabla filming was great, it's so rare to meet REAL people. " I could give a cart other unnecessary Arielle Dombasle as who still has committed an album, but it will turn Here. So there.

In France, it was also led by the baronies of felons, as Bayrou who now sells a very interesting book on ... Sarkozy. Sarkozy is the French politicians that Israel is the Arab countries. It channels the hatred and resentment, weld clans, and creates a dichotomy heroic cheap: I'm good because I am against the bad guy. Bayrou, who claims to be shunned by the media, through all the TV studios to sell its anti-Sarkozyism primary, claiming his freedom of thought and its positioning Central, when he was Minister Balladur and Juppe and his modem is developing alliances with a hard right, as at Orleans, where he allied himself with the MPF de Villiers, arguing that there are surely good people everywhere! I repeat what I had dared before the presidential election: Bayrou vote is not dare to vote Le Pen. Poujadist behind a seemingly wise scholar, apparently rejecting the elite while the common has always been to Paris or on the racetrack, practicing demagoguery consisting aggressive assertiveness close to the people while he despises him haughtily . On 7 June, I probably will not vote not for Bayrou, or his running mate as the fat of JFK, who care about me almost as much of Europe, except that I am not my stock in trade.

But the same day, I would vote in Lebanon. Because it was nice to have Highnesses and baronies in France, we are still far from the level of feudalism from our friends in the Levant. The "campaign" is intensifying and at least you never get bored before the dirty tricks flying between the protagonists. Once again, we may regret the total lack of political agenda of the candidates, each voter finally a choice of civilization, by heredity or in exchange for an envelope of cash. But that is a regional tradition (An Nahar):

Opponents of Iran's hard-line president have accused him of trying to buy votes before the June presidential election by handing out checks to the poor.

Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's government has defended the payments, saying the checks for 500,000 and 1 million rials — about $50 and $100 — have nothing to do with the election.

It has been distributing the money to poor families — most of them in rural areas and small towns — since last year, and in recent weeks it broadened the distribution to include students and teachers. The government also announced that on May 10 it began making $ 80 payments to 5.5 million people THROUGHOUT Iran.

Ahmadinejad's Critics Have Seized On The payments have Another opening to exploit one of His Biggest Vulnerabilities Heading Into the June 12 vote - discontent over handling history Of The faltering economy. HIM THEY accuses of using cash to win votes The people hit hard by from Rising Inflation and Unemployment.

Regarding the minions of Iran Hezb, we already feel that the result will "pile we win, tails you lose", since already the drums of war heard about Israeli military maneuvers that may be the pretext for another round between the party of god and god's chosen people. I do not regret undergoing a new campaign for the Lebanese elections, all those I have seen is more or less similar. What I would like to see however, is the head of the Hezb Aounists if wins the election returns and the general oranginet his exile. In France, it no longer wants it, it was already too baronets Highnesses and to care for the little princess 'weight'.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Thompson's Water Seal For Play Sets

Species-service media company

An iconoclastic perspective on users of multimedia libraries by Philippe Muray.
The user library is the figurehead of the new middle classes, who do not accentuating the old solidarities classs popular, nor the intellectual independence of the old bourgeois classes.
His way of living in society would do more than under the mode of attendance, the permanent party, the individual claim.

"This Festivus Festivus: the being who has discharged its entire existence on the state in exchange for the loss of his freedom, he disappeared not even see because we managed to excite with the Trivia reclaiming his life and his environment. "
" In terms of sociology of media bazaar, that is basically complete nihilate of the working classes and transform them into public media centers, that is to say by attending classes: Graduates, layers middle and upper managers, students, that is to say the captive clientele of festivisation integral, and dependent for everything else, depends on the state, stato-dependent, dependent up not knowing how you peel a potato, as we cooked an egg or a child does not appeal to social workers and homemakers. "A closer

perhaps still feeling a little childish there comply with codes and choose from a library, whether popular or specialized audience.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Rock Salt Water For Deodorant

But where is aXXo?

Dieudonne This bastard makes me sick with their lists for the European so-called "Zionist". This remained struts around with his cronies like filthy criminals Alain Soral, sure to make a good move and cause the citizens, like that fool the Coluche had done before him. Making fun of democracy, as do comedians with ulterior motives disorders, it is considered that it has no value, it should be replaced by another system. In the mind of those who guide Dieudonne, fascism, one that eliminates human on religious, racial, ethnic, in short, not to destroy what they do, but for what they are. Coluche did not know what he was doing, too busy to recycle jokes, redneck on staff or women; Dieudonne believes knowledge. I doubt he realizes the real tidal wave of fascists who are ashamed to say "finally, you can spit on the Jews and it is not racist, look, Dieudonné is black!". To read reviews on forums and elsewhere for Liberation, the conspiracy theory still has a bright future ahead of her, and Jews, rich hours of persecution.

was expected also a strong gesture of the Pope at Yad Vashem. Finally, "we" expected. I confess that from this prince of manipulation, I was not expecting much. The Vatican will even deny, not gas chambers, but the past of Ratzinger's Hitler Youth. And he made his ic usual number which is to give nothing to the enemies of all time, while flattering their opponents. It was well understood after the Pope's visit in a Middle East already explosive that does not rely on religion to calm overall, but to add more olive oil on the fire. The Bishop of Rome, in the manner of Dieudonne, sees a tremendous opportunity here to talk about him causing, without worrying about the reactions of idiots who do not understand that we are not in spirituality, but in marketing. The pope wants to draw more souls, and Dieudonné more spectators. But many do not hold that the message of hatred they make in this war for the hearts and minds.

Finally, I should not make fun of the 'Beirut, capital of intergalactic book "or else just world, but again, we can talk about provocation. In a country where booksellers competent draw the curtain, one after the other to make way for merchants pounds weight, you can enjoy the press release announcing the Unesco in 2007 "Beirut won the game on Bangkok (Thailand), Cape Town (South Africa) and Kazan (Russia) "for his involvement in cultural diversity, dialogue and tolerance as well as the variety and dynamic nature of its program. " Cultural diversity. Dialogue. Tolerance. If we talk of Cape Town, I'm excited. Bangkok and Kazan, I do not know. But talking about tolerance in a country that practices one of the most idiotic censorship in the world is growing evidence of a frantic desire to limit the method Coue, or a total ignorance of the country. So see it as a joke obviously EXCEPT Friday, May 15, at the railway station in Beirut (Mar Mikhael), from 18:00 to 19:00 where my friends Chronicles Beirutis will read their book blog, Quiet Days in Beirut . I can not support them and go listen to them, but if you want to hear something other than crap on Lebanon, it's time to open your ears.

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Watch South Park Online On I Phone

patient management

Many executives and elected officials are fascinated by the management, they equate it with the rigor and effectiveness. Yet it is only the quantifiable side and abstract. His paradigm was designed to apply to things, it can not be applied without damage to men or to society as a whole.

The context: the development of service industries.

The phone and computer are the tools of the majority of performers today. These technological developments ease the physical strain but increase the psychological pressure. "What man is gaining independence, it pays involvement. "The criteria for quality of work were evident in the world Crafts and Industry ("ill constructed a wall, it shows, a motor, it works or it does not work), but they become abstract in the world of administration and services. Hence the psychological function of mobilizing the tools of management: dashboards seem reassuring face the fear of uncertainty and arbitrariness.

The share blessed and cursed by management

management is a managerial tool needed, which greatly improves efficiency, individual responsibility and innovation. But if it replaces the sense (which is to produce wealth for the common good), then it creates perverse incentives: individualism, excessive competition, dictatorship of the figure (perceived as an objective), the instrumentalization of human, paradoxical injunctions. It became an ideology of perfection and forget the negative (consequences on society, psyche, environment). She préocuppe only material scarcity and denies any reality to the ideas, symbols, values.

"Managing managerial guidance is a blend of sound, precise requirements, sophisticated measuring tools, objective assessment techniques, but also instructions irrational, unrealistic requirements, dashboards unenforceable and arbitrary judgments. "

Reason and Rationalization

" Many managers maintain a confusion between reason and rationalization. Rationalization is a clearing house, from finding a common language and a clarification. But it is also a defense mechanism that, under the guise of logical reasoning, tends to neutralize what is annoying, what is disturbing, what is not in "his" logic. In this sense, rationalization is the side of power, while reason is the side of knowledge. The latter did not comply with a principle of efficiency, but a principle of search for meaning. However, in many respects, the efficiency is opposed to meaning. Knowledge should enable each individual to make sense of his experience, the situations they encounter, conflict that is brought to life. "

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Phisohex™ & Phisoderm™

Jean-Robert Pitte, come back! Modern medicine

It seems that French universities are on strike again. Through ideological indoctrination of the majority of teachers in college, and the fantastic ability of some students find all the ways to fuck with the least possible, the French university will therefore die. For once a government takes the trouble to get involved and proposes solutions to remedy the programmed death of facs, students continue to dream of May 68 and teachers continue to maintain a privileged status that is not even good for them (Yes yes, I looked at the reform and I think I know roughly what I mean when this is higher education). Meanwhile, large schools are getting better and better. It must be said that the harsh methods that were underway to close the campus would not come to the idea of students who went through a strict selection in order to receive an elite education. The university students to play Che Guevara, and their parents do not dare say anything, afraid to of being called a reaction when they want to be "cool" in a country where sequester his boss, which is the equivalent of a kidnapping appears to be approved by a public opinion which considered that there are few cars on fire allowed to express "profound malaise of the suburbs."

I'm lost and I do not understand this country sometimes more so privileged that is France. The need to reject a seemingly being joined yet fully, this fear to use words like "capitalism" or "liberalism" other than to stigmatize them, this obsession with money that shapes the far left who does has that the word "dough" in the mouth, France is a strange country from the outside, often through distorting media. Of college teachers have also decided to boycott the newspaper Le Monde because the newspaper did not describe the situation fairly objectively university understand, do not repeat word for word the news of the strikers. It is easy for them indoctrinate students who see the opportunity of their lives to "make politics" more difficult to convince journalists that can not help but notice that the strikes are beginning to be repeated without goal while in world university rankings whole show the waning influence of French mandarins. Needless to Sarkozyist, "death" to quote her offspring, to consider that strikes at French universities are not going anywhere, except to increased depreciation of diplomas issued by institutions that refuse the outside world, draping themselves in the defense of republican values they embody more.

But they go to see this world, the French students, not to mention their instructors! They realize that France is a great fortress, if not an ivory tower! France is a paradise, when there are not too many strikes, and rather than buttress its glorious past, it had better be involved in the future. In the past, we must mourn, even if the Arab countries provide daily proof that one can visit the Middle Ages without going back in time. Thus, Dubai, which we were accustomed to judicial decisions inept, has recently surpassed ( Nahar ):

A Lebanese mother Who Lost Her unborn baby was in Dubai road crash has Been Convicted of manslaughter and Ordered to pay blood money, in The First Such rulings in the UAE, local newspapers Reported.
The court found the 27-year-old woman had failed to exercise due diligence when driving and caused her car to collide with another vehicle in October when she was nine months pregnant, the Arabic-language Al-Emarat Al-Youm said.

The English-language daily The National reported that the woman's car was struck from behind after she braked on a highway in Dubai, which like the rest of the UAE is notorious for fatal road accidents.

The Dubai Traffic Court ordered the mother to pay 20,000 dirhams (5,450 dollars) in diyyah or blood money to the unborn baby's next of kin and fined her another 540 dollars for "unintentional homicide," Al-Emarat Al-Youm said.

The judge based The Verdict is gold Islamic sharia law, it Added.

"This May Be The First Case of Kind icts and May APPEAR unusual to some, But The box highlights The Fact That year unborn fetus has rights aussi As Any Human Being," chief prosecutor traffic Salah Bu Farousha WAS quoted as Saying in The National.

I'm speechless. Not only this woman is the victim of an accident, the more she loses her baby, what I imagine highly traumatic, but in addition it is considered guilty and punished for all his troubles ... Frankly, one would expect from the developed nations outraged reaction to this ruling. But once again, the scandal occurred in a underdeveloped country, and we must tolerate the behavior of the Arabs because it is well known, they are not ready for the twenty-first century. And meanwhile, the students are so busy defending the privileges of their mandarins as human rights, it will occupy after update his Facebook page.

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Cell Phone Signature Quotes

marketing library and its limits

(From LibraryViews)

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Magic Card Creator Macintosh

crisis is for everyone, and swine flu attack! Fortunately, the Lebanese government is one of those entities to the forefront of progress and provides guidance that can save your life (or summer to the beach):

Health Minister Mohammed Jawad Khalife Told the Lebanese on Tuesday to dispense With Their traditional peck-on-the-cheek greeting to Avoid contracting swine flu. (Naharnet)

There is little doubt that Mohammed Jawad Khalife's friend had to attend medical school and successful as long as Dr. Samir Geagea, but he had to miss the class where it was explained that a handful of hand transmits more germs than a kiss on the cheek. Or Mohammed Jawad Khalife aka Grand marabout if you want to cook your wife is 200 euros " attended the same health prevention workshops that the new president of South Africa, Jacob Zuma, who still says that to protect themselves from AIDS, just take a shower after sex. That's what he did after raping a young HIV positive in 2005. Knowing that Jacob Zuma has been married four times, and is known to be the father of several illegitimate children in addition to the 18 it recognizes, calculate how much the current president of the Republic of South Africa could be a vector for HIV, remembering, however it may consider that homosexuals are sinful and would take pleasure in humiliating them. Anyway, here's a buddy all appointed Hassan Nasrallah! The same love of humanity, the same knowledge as vast as the ocean, the same tolerance towards anything that does not look like them ... They have things to tell, Zulu and bearded.

And it's true that he could use a little love Hassan Nasrallah. It is not his favorite season, especially since he had the bright idea to insult Egypt, which has since thrilled to attack a target as easy. The Egyptian government pulls its weight against the organization now officially a terrorist, and fight more effectively against the bearded villain that has never been Israel. In addition to this new enemy, Hezbollah, which is supposed to triumph in the parliamentary elections of June 7, should also expect a drop in income:

Police from Seven Countries Arrested 17 People in the island of Curacao Tuesday Suspected of Involvement in year international drug ring with links to Hezbollah, Dutch Authorities said.
The group of IS HAVING traded Suspected In Some 2.000 kilograms of cocaine per year, The Dutch Prosecution Service said in a statement.

"The group shipped containers with cocaine from Curacao to the Netherlands, Belgium, Spain and Jordan," it said. "From Venezuela, containers with drugs went to West Africa and then to the Netherlands, Lebanon and Spain. Carriers smuggled the cocaine as airline passengers from Curacao and Aruba into the Netherlands."

The proceeds were allegedly invested in several countries, said the statement.

"The organization had international contacts with other criminal networks that financially supported Hizbullah in the Middle East. Large sums of drug money flooded into Lebanon, from where orders were placed for weapons that were to have been delivered from South America. "

Were The suspects from Curacao, The Largest Of The Dutch Caribbean islands, as well as" from Venezuela, Colombia, Lebanon and Cuba, Said the statement.

The Arrests Were the result of a Joint Operation Between the Police and Judicial Authorities of Curacao, the Netherlands, Belgium, Colombia, Venezuela and the United States.

If in addition the United States manage to get closer to Iran and reduce its support for terrorism in Lebanon, Hizbullah may well have to rely on his ally Aoun for his survival. Given the abysmal stupidity of the last campaign CPL (the now famous "Be nice and vote"), you may think that Hezbollah really feel cornered.

And finally, a happy note, but it must leave the Middle East and come near me. Since Friday, it's official, Vienna is the city with the best quality of life in the world by Mercer . An hour before he heard the news, gorged with Viennese coffee and sausages from the same origin, stuffed full of architectural beauty and cleanliness of the streets, exposed by green spaces and cultural vitality, in short, make the short, charmed by Vienna's sumptuous, we decided to move before the end of the year. Certainly, Bratislava has a certain charm when we know also see beauty in Vesoul, but the Viennese experience seems to be a glimmer of beauty welcome to a world very dull. On this, remember, no kisses on the cheek to prevent swine flu, and in case of contamination by HIV, quick, a good shower! It seems that the Hezb is not affected because it respects the teachings of the Prophet and do not consume unclean animals. And do not approach women or men marked by the wrath of god.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Football Jockstrap Stud

To exterminate the saleswomen (PD)

The VRP of anti-Zionism has its number as provided in the UN conference against racism, and it has moved Ahmadinejad has also enjoyed a beautiful gallery. It was predictable, as one might expect that the Iranian leader to show the Arab street (?) It remains the champion of the cause, the only one capable of standing up to Israel and to speak loudly and fort while hundreds of survivors of concentration camps and events in Geneva the day commemorating the Holocaust. In 2009 as in 1933, used hatred against Jews to get votes. Hopefully this does not give too many ideas to our leaders Democrats. Elsewhere, unfortunately, the method is popular.

In Lebanon, my démocrature favorite, the always inspired Walid Jumblatt has seen fit to rant about the Maronites in calling them about "bad race". So it's racism as well as anti-Zionism of his Iranian colleague whom he seems to approach more and more. It's the magic of Lebanon just as Hezbollah is in bad shape after making Egypt a mortal enemy for an item that immediately comes to cons-balance his bad fortune. The game can go on indefinitely to the delight of some Lebanese who, having no sports teams involved in international competitions, are catching up in supporting their political champions. The NFL could learn much from this delicate balancing teams through alliances against nature, low blows and shattering statements. No, actually it is rather the professional wrestling, the WWF.

But the champions of "social Darwinism" are the other friends of Ahmadinejad, Hamas terrorists who have taken advantage of the Israeli offensive in Gaza to restore its golden letters in the concept of "free riders war ":

Hamas seized the offensive Israeli January in the Gaza Strip to remove dozens of opponents of Fatah and Palestinian suspected of collaborating with Israel, according to the NGO Human Rights Watch (HRW). Thirty-two people were killed and dozens more wounded and tortured for twenty-two days of the offensive and in the weeks that followed, the organization denounces U.S. human rights. In a report entitled "Under the cover of war, political violence of Hamas," it condemns the "arbitrary arrests, torture, mutilation by bullets and extrajudicial executions" engaged in by Hamas. This is the biggest wave of violence between the coup since the Islamist movement in Gaza in June 2007. One hundred members of the Fatah movement of Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas who control the West Bank, had then been killed, some due to summary executions.

With a little pellet, Hamas could have declared that the dead Fatah are made by the Israeli army by replaying the stroke of Katyn in Poland. Or simply deny the killings and argued that it is a Zionist propaganda, as the extermination camps. Seeing Survivors of the Shoah timidly protesting in Geneva, I thought they were going to die soon, and that denial would no longer safeguards. We forget history, we torture, it is rewritten, curiously always the same culprits. History does not repeat itself, it continues and will continue until we will not make future generations aware that being against racism is not an attitude limited to right-thinking people in demonstrations left and GA. It is a fight against what is left over animal in us, a bad residue in colonial times, a pseudo-scientific doctrine that charms the crowds fanatical and too happy find a culprit to unhappiness they themselves have helped create.

Between the Obamamania or the personality cult reserved for dictators, I do not think we have so many lessons to teach it eventually. But at least in the West, can still speak out and criticize bastards. Which side will choose the Lebanon in early June? Unfortunately I fear that the choice is already made before the paucity of programs for both camps and the enthusiasm to support the prevailing feudal system in the country of Jumblatt. And also a scent of racism that continues to float in Lebanon and that we have not talked in Geneva what were the delegates too busy to insult or to defend the Jews. Bad race too?

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Winchestwer 94 30-30 Lever Action

Overdose info: cure neuroses media

Our interest in the instant news is not from a desire to understand or act, but for the sake of belonging and psychological security.

Lejoyeux According to Michel, this is a neurosis "reasonable", that behind the appearance of seriousness and control allows mostly socialize our emotions and anxieties. It describes trends anxious, hypochondriacal, compulsive or narcissistic that can cover the interest.

He advises to detach from this fascination with immediate news - for example by reading the newspaper the day before - to finally find a more active and engaged in reality. "The greatness of man lies in his decision to be stronger than his condition ... and that the images presented to him. "

filmed by Anthony Perkins in Welles' The Trial

In an interesting re-reading, the author compares the information consumer to the protagonists of the novels of Kafka. If unable to reach the Sens is because the projected beyond itself and fourvoit then meanders in which he is the creator.
"Kafka's characters are a single trial as a matter of state they need to understand the details. A surveyor victim suffers from a misunderstanding as to the mistake of the administration's need to guess the secret designs of the Castle. He is trapped by his thirst for knowledge, his need to go to fund things and shed light on his case. "

Monday, April 13, 2009

Norfloxacin To Treat Chlamydia

Sometimes I put myself in the shoes of a believer and I have a headache I would have preferred

To my surprise, Courrier International, last week, highlighted the economic health of Lebanon by highlighting the step taken by the central bank governor and have avoided a disaster. I'm surprised because it is rarely put forward the management capacity of the Lebanese, but we must recognize that the bank is undoubtedly what works best in a country where one can not work and just live off the interest you earn on an ape wisely placed. I began to tell me that, perhaps, Lebanon would eventually do well, and then quickly things returned to normal. Recently, some Clampin hezbollah were captured in Egypt, hatched a plot against the democracy of the good President Mubarak. Of course, Hassan Nasrallah, from its burrow, has imméditament that his henchmen had for any purpose other than to organize a new attack against Israel by supporting Palestinian brothers. Except we do not understand what he did not care in Egypt, and we remember verbal attacks of the party of the one God, omniscient and so damn cool against the attitude of the Egyptian authorities during Operation Cast Lead, which can also nicknamed "umpteenth Ratag against Hamas." Clearly, Hezbollah was wrong to attack Mubarak and hoping for a revolution, but as we are in Lebanon, we must remember that we made the big voice but what made it for fun, like Walid Jumblatt recalled in An Nahar:

[Jumblatt] perp historical willingness to Meet with Nasrallah Saying: "Some people in
Hizbullah continues to Doubt my intentions and stances, and I must say one
Distinguish Between My speeches Under The Influence Of Blood With What I Am Saying
now. "Jumblat Said That The Meeting Between al-Mustaqbal Movement leader

MP Saad Hariri and Nasrallah "was good and Should Be Repeated."

So basically, everything is still possible and must not take it that way guys, when I said you were a big gang of terrorists paid by Iran and Syria to scuttle Lebanon was for kidding! Chuis a blood myself, but should not take me seriously. Fortunately, no one really takes seriously Jumblatt's friend, but the problem is that the Druze knows how to use a gun. The Egyptian also said that, and that rumbling is heard in Egyptian newspapers (highly democratic I grant you) does not bode well for the crowd if Nasrallah runs his resentment against the Hizb. Now we face the Barballah March 14 at Israel, almost all Western countries, Egypt and his stepmother, who would like to see her daughter come to visit him and that she remains under constant land to make tea for her man who sometimes more, passes his frustration on her.

What to do so in the meantime highly critical parliamentary elections in June? Come to Central Europe of course! After Prague and Budapest, I recommend now Vienna whose reputation for arrogance seems outdated. The museum district, which MUMOK, can spend a wonderful time (I weigh my words guys) enjoying a coffee with the Viennese have the science, then see the permanent and temporary exhibitions like the one dedicated to Maria Lassnig (see photo above-cons). This exhibition is very troubling, because it expresses the point of nausea experienced by the artist's obsession with old age, sickness, all that is degenerate in general. Once out of the magnificent building MUMOK, go have a drink to recover, and for that, the Naschmarkt neighbor is shown. There is much gargottes quiet, even when all tables are occupied. Because the Viennese is discreet when it's feast. He does not shoot in the air when his candidate is elected. It has other flaws you may say, but when one is invited, we try to be courteous. Finally, we try. And we admire the region. Until then, it is a success.