While Anglo-Saxon libraries aim to render service to the user, the French libraries have the ambition to transform. This referred
"aristo-democratic" (and probably After the French Revolution) could support the development of French libraries and assign them a strong symbolic role. Nevertheless it is questionable when the numbers of registrations reached their limit.
France has been influenced by several historical models of mixed contradictory, but by combining: Library Review Library + People + + The Public Library The House of Culture. This makes it rich, but the universality of tasks adds its operation.
ambition to bring all users of Culture is not really a uniform. Indeed, except for some features municipalities such as direct access and recovery, this mission can justify any priority: activism / consumerism, news / collection, large BMVR / BM neighborhood, internet / print, literature / information practice, cataloging / opening hours ... Brief discussion of the librarians can not really decide what it should do or not, because ultimately any option may be related to any legitimacy "to the public."
Hence perhaps the current temptation to simplify matters by adopting the model of the Public Library (the library serving the information and training different types of people), but at the risk of losing a certain set of universal culture, which, moreover, French users themselves are attached.
What model library? / Collective book published by Presses of Enssib; December 2008.
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