Like you, I waited for the outcome of Lebanon's parliamentary elections with bated breath. I was glad when it was clear that Aoun was biting the dust, and then I started to hold my breath in anticipation of possible street battles in Lebanon as was used in post-election , football matches or when ISPs have some booze too. As he must breathe from time to time, I decided to start over, especially as it happens eventually not much to Lebanon and that international attention is focused on Iran and its rigged elections. It's reassuring to go account that in the end it just hurt to Iran that it will go well in Lebanon. The Butterfly Effect, the waterbed or while teleporting brill. Therefore hope that this continues to go wrong in Iran. Attention is a joke, much like the Iranian elections.
Note that hezbollah is eerily quiet, just splits it a comment on the new fad of Sarkozy, the burqa-stalking. Realize in 2009 that the burqa is not even useful when camping and it is neither waterproof nor stoning-proof, nor freely chosen by the wearer shows an open mind. Opening symbolized by the arrival in government Fred Mitterrand, which is great. Just great. A bit like the approximation of Netanyahu which would, it says, relations with France rather than an Obama running less than its predecessor. One has the impression, seeing the information, a great waltz in politics that does not help, but turns heads. After all, it's summer. Accordingly, and since this blog is devoted to Lebanon, I am a joy to put on hold for the best reasons of all: the absence of problems in Lebanon, hoping for a quiet summer, then a fall of the same ilk, followed a quiet winter and spring of joy. It is good not having to worry about from time to time and write, but still keep an eye on the bearded are still the kings of the surprise party.
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