Many executives and elected officials are fascinated by the management, they equate it with the rigor and effectiveness. Yet it is only the quantifiable side and abstract. His paradigm was designed to apply to things, it can not be applied without damage to men or to society as a whole.
The context: the development of service industries.
The phone and computer are the tools of the majority of performers today. These technological developments ease the physical strain but increase the psychological pressure. "What man is gaining independence, it pays involvement. "The criteria for quality of work were evident in the world Crafts and Industry ("ill constructed a wall, it shows, a motor, it works or it does not work), but they become abstract in the world of administration and services. Hence the psychological function of mobilizing the tools of management: dashboards seem reassuring face the fear of uncertainty and arbitrariness.
The share blessed and cursed by management
management is a managerial tool needed, which greatly improves efficiency, individual responsibility and innovation. But if it replaces the sense (which is to produce wealth for the common good), then it creates perverse incentives: individualism, excessive competition, dictatorship of the figure (perceived as an objective), the instrumentalization of human, paradoxical injunctions. It became an ideology of perfection and forget the negative (consequences on society, psyche, environment). She préocuppe only material scarcity and denies any reality to the ideas, symbols, values.
"Managing managerial guidance is a blend of sound, precise requirements, sophisticated measuring tools, objective assessment techniques, but also instructions irrational, unrealistic requirements, dashboards unenforceable and arbitrary judgments. "
Reason and Rationalization
" Many managers maintain a confusion between reason and rationalization. Rationalization is a clearing house, from finding a common language and a clarification. But it is also a defense mechanism that, under the guise of logical reasoning, tends to neutralize what is annoying, what is disturbing, what is not in "his" logic. In this sense, rationalization is the side of power, while reason is the side of knowledge. The latter did not comply with a principle of efficiency, but a principle of search for meaning. However, in many respects, the efficiency is opposed to meaning. Knowledge should enable each individual to make sense of his experience, the situations they encounter, conflict that is brought to life. "
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