An iconoclastic perspective on users of multimedia libraries by Philippe Muray.
The user library is the figurehead of the new middle classes, who do not accentuating the old solidarities classs popular, nor the intellectual independence of the old bourgeois classes.
His way of living in society would do more than under the mode of attendance, the permanent party, the individual claim.
"This Festivus Festivus: the being who has discharged its entire existence on the state in exchange for the loss of his freedom, he disappeared not even see because we managed to excite with the Trivia reclaiming his life and his environment. "
" In terms of sociology of media bazaar, that is basically complete nihilate of the working classes and transform them into public media centers, that is to say by attending classes: Graduates, layers middle and upper managers, students, that is to say the captive clientele of festivisation integral, and dependent for everything else, depends on the state, stato-dependent, dependent up not knowing how you peel a potato, as we cooked an egg or a child does not appeal to social workers and homemakers. "A closer
perhaps still feeling a little childish there comply with codes and choose from a library, whether popular or specialized audience.
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