Dieudonne This bastard makes me sick with their lists for the European so-called "Zionist". This remained struts around with his cronies like filthy criminals Alain Soral, sure to make a good move and cause the citizens, like that fool the Coluche had done before him. Making fun of democracy, as do comedians with ulterior motives disorders, it is considered that it has no value, it should be replaced by another system. In the mind of those who guide Dieudonne, fascism, one that eliminates human on religious, racial, ethnic, in short, not to destroy what they do, but for what they are. Coluche did not know what he was doing, too busy to recycle jokes, redneck on staff or women; Dieudonne believes knowledge. I doubt he realizes the real tidal wave of fascists who are ashamed to say "finally, you can spit on the Jews and it is not racist, look, Dieudonné is black!". To read reviews on forums and elsewhere for Liberation, the conspiracy theory still has a bright future ahead of her, and Jews, rich hours of persecution.

Finally, I should not make fun of the 'Beirut, capital of intergalactic book "or else just world, but again, we can talk about provocation. In a country where booksellers competent draw the curtain, one after the other to make way for merchants pounds weight, you can enjoy the press release announcing the Unesco in 2007 "Beirut won the game on Bangkok (Thailand), Cape Town (South Africa) and Kazan (Russia) "for his involvement in cultural diversity, dialogue and tolerance as well as the variety and dynamic nature of its program. " Cultural diversity. Dialogue. Tolerance. If we talk of Cape Town, I'm excited. Bangkok and Kazan, I do not know. But talking about tolerance in a country that practices one of the most idiotic censorship in the world is growing evidence of a frantic desire to limit the method Coue, or a total ignorance of the country. So see it as a joke obviously EXCEPT Friday, May 15, at the railway station in Beirut (Mar Mikhael), from 18:00 to 19:00 where my friends Chronicles Beirutis will read their book blog, Quiet Days in Beirut . I can not support them and go listen to them, but if you want to hear something other than crap on Lebanon, it's time to open your ears.
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