In Lebanon, my démocrature favorite, the always inspired Walid Jumblatt has seen fit to rant about the Maronites in calling them about "bad race". So it's racism as well as anti-Zionism of his Iranian colleague whom he seems to approach more and more. It's the magic of Lebanon just as Hezbollah is in bad shape after making Egypt a mortal enemy for an item that immediately comes to cons-balance his bad fortune. The game can go on indefinitely to the delight of some Lebanese who, having no sports teams involved in international competitions, are catching up in supporting their political champions. The NFL could learn much from this delicate balancing teams through alliances against nature, low blows and shattering statements. No, actually it is rather the professional wrestling, the WWF.
But the champions of "social Darwinism" are the other friends of Ahmadinejad, Hamas terrorists who have taken advantage of the Israeli offensive in Gaza to restore its golden letters in the concept of "free riders war ":
Hamas seized the offensive Israeli January in the Gaza Strip to remove dozens of opponents of Fatah and Palestinian suspected of collaborating with Israel, according to the NGO Human Rights Watch (HRW). Thirty-two people were killed and dozens more wounded and tortured for twenty-two days of the offensive and in the weeks that followed, the organization denounces U.S. human rights. In a report entitled "Under the cover of war, political violence of Hamas," it condemns the "arbitrary arrests, torture, mutilation by bullets and extrajudicial executions" engaged in by Hamas. This is the biggest wave of violence between the coup since the Islamist movement in Gaza in June 2007. One hundred members of the Fatah movement of Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas who control the West Bank, had then been killed, some due to summary executions.
With a little pellet, Hamas could have declared that the dead Fatah are made by the Israeli army by replaying the stroke of Katyn in Poland. Or simply deny the killings and argued that it is a Zionist propaganda, as the extermination camps. Seeing Survivors of the Shoah timidly protesting in Geneva, I thought they were going to die soon, and that denial would no longer safeguards. We forget history, we torture, it is rewritten, curiously always the same culprits. History does not repeat itself, it continues and will continue until we will not make future generations aware that being against racism is not an attitude limited to right-thinking people in demonstrations left and GA. It is a fight against what is left over animal in us, a bad residue in colonial times, a pseudo-scientific doctrine that charms the crowds fanatical and too happy find a culprit to unhappiness they themselves have helped create.
Between the Obamamania or the personality cult reserved for dictators, I do not think we have so many lessons to teach it eventually. But at least in the West, can still speak out and criticize bastards. Which side will choose the Lebanon in early June? Unfortunately I fear that the choice is already made before the paucity of programs for both camps and the enthusiasm to support the prevailing feudal system in the country of Jumblatt. And also a scent of racism that continues to float in Lebanon and that we have not talked in Geneva what were the delegates too busy to insult or to defend the Jews. Bad race too?
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