crisis is for everyone, and swine flu attack! Fortunately, the Lebanese government is one of those entities to the forefront of progress and provides guidance that can save your life (or summer to the beach):
Health Minister Mohammed Jawad Khalife Told the Lebanese on Tuesday to dispense With Their traditional peck-on-the-cheek greeting to Avoid contracting swine flu. (Naharnet)
There is little doubt that Mohammed Jawad Khalife's friend had to attend medical school and successful as long as Dr. Samir Geagea, but he had to miss the class where it was explained that a handful of hand transmits more germs than a kiss on the cheek. Or Mohammed Jawad Khalife aka Grand marabout if you want to cook your wife is 200 euros " attended the same health prevention workshops that the new president of South Africa, Jacob Zuma, who still says that to protect themselves from AIDS, just take a shower after sex. That's what he did after raping a young HIV positive in 2005. Knowing that Jacob Zuma has been married four times, and is known to be the father of several illegitimate children in addition to the 18 it recognizes, calculate how much the current president of the Republic of South Africa could be a vector for HIV, remembering, however it may consider that homosexuals are sinful and would take pleasure in humiliating them. Anyway, here's a buddy all appointed Hassan Nasrallah! The same love of humanity, the same knowledge as vast as the ocean, the same tolerance towards anything that does not look like them ... They have things to tell, Zulu and bearded.
And it's true that he could use a little love Hassan Nasrallah. It is not his favorite season, especially since he had the bright idea to insult Egypt, which has since thrilled to attack a target as easy. The Egyptian government pulls its weight against the organization now officially a terrorist, and fight more effectively against the bearded villain that has never been Israel. In addition to this new enemy, Hezbollah, which is supposed to triumph in the parliamentary elections of June 7, should also expect a drop in income:
Police from Seven Countries Arrested 17 People in the island of Curacao Tuesday Suspected of Involvement in year international drug ring with links to Hezbollah, Dutch Authorities said.
The group of IS HAVING traded Suspected In Some 2.000 kilograms of cocaine per year, The Dutch Prosecution Service said in a statement.
"The group shipped containers with cocaine from Curacao to the Netherlands, Belgium, Spain and Jordan," it said. "From Venezuela, containers with drugs went to West Africa and then to the Netherlands, Lebanon and Spain. Carriers smuggled the cocaine as airline passengers from Curacao and Aruba into the Netherlands."
The proceeds were allegedly invested in several countries, said the statement.
"The organization had international contacts with other criminal networks that financially supported Hizbullah in the Middle East. Large sums of drug money flooded into Lebanon, from where orders were placed for weapons that were to have been delivered from South America. "
Were The suspects from Curacao, The Largest Of The Dutch Caribbean islands, as well as" from Venezuela, Colombia, Lebanon and Cuba, Said the statement.
The Arrests Were the result of a Joint Operation Between the Police and Judicial Authorities of Curacao, the Netherlands, Belgium, Colombia, Venezuela and the United States.
If in addition the United States manage to get closer to Iran and reduce its support for terrorism in Lebanon, Hizbullah may well have to rely on his ally Aoun for his survival. Given the abysmal stupidity of the last campaign CPL (the now famous "Be nice and vote"), you may think that Hezbollah really feel cornered.
And finally, a happy note, but it must leave the Middle East and come near me. Since Friday, it's official, Vienna is the city with the best quality of life in the world by Mercer . An hour before he heard the news, gorged with Viennese coffee and sausages from the same origin, stuffed full of architectural beauty and cleanliness of the streets, exposed by green spaces and cultural vitality, in short, make the short, charmed by Vienna's sumptuous, we decided to move before the end of the year. Certainly, Bratislava has a certain charm when we know also see beauty in Vesoul, but the Viennese experience seems to be a glimmer of beauty welcome to a world very dull. On this, remember, no kisses on the cheek to prevent swine flu, and in case of contamination by HIV, quick, a good shower! It seems that the Hezb is not affected because it respects the teachings of the Prophet and do not consume unclean animals. And do not approach women or men marked by the wrath of god.
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