Sometimes I put myself in the shoes of a believer and I have a headache I would have preferred
To my surprise, Courrier International, last week, highlighted the economic health of Lebanon by highlighting the step taken by the central bank governor and have avoided a disaster. I'm surprised because it is rarely put forward the management capacity of the Lebanese, but we must recognize that the bank is undoubtedly what works best in a country where one can not work and just live off the interest you earn on an ape wisely placed. I began to tell me that, perhaps, Lebanon would eventually do well, and then quickly things returned to normal. Recently, some Clampin hezbollah were captured in Egypt, hatched a plot against the democracy of the good President Mubarak. Of course, Hassan Nasrallah, from its burrow, has imméditament that his henchmen had for any purpose other than to organize a new attack against Israel by supporting Palestinian brothers. Except we do not understand what he did not care in Egypt, and we remember verbal attacks of the party of the one God, omniscient and so damn cool against the attitude of the Egyptian authorities during Operation Cast Lead, which can also nicknamed "umpteenth Ratag against Hamas." Clearly, Hezbollah was wrong to attack Mubarak and hoping for a revolution, but as we are in Lebanon, we must remember that we made the big voice but what made it for fun, like Walid Jumblatt recalled in An Nahar:
[Jumblatt] perp historical willingness to Meet with Nasrallah Saying: "Some people in
Hizbullah continues to Doubt my intentions and stances, and I must say one
Distinguish Between My speeches Under The Influence Of Blood With What I Am Saying
now. "Jumblat Said That The Meeting Between al-Mustaqbal Movement leader
MP Saad Hariri and Nasrallah "was good and Should Be Repeated."
So basically, everything is still possible and must not take it that way guys, when I said you were a big gang of terrorists paid by Iran and Syria to scuttle Lebanon was for kidding! Chuis a blood myself, but should not take me seriously. Fortunately, no one really takes seriously Jumblatt's friend, but the problem is that the Druze knows how to use a gun. The Egyptian also said that, and that rumbling is heard in Egyptian newspapers (highly democratic I grant you) does not bode well for the crowd if Nasrallah runs his resentment against the Hizb. Now we face the Barballah March 14 at Israel, almost all Western countries, Egypt and his stepmother, who would like to see her daughter come to visit him and that she remains under constant land to make tea for her man who sometimes more, passes his frustration on her.
What to do so in the meantime highly critical parliamentary elections in June? Come to Central Europe of course! After Prague and Budapest, I recommend now Vienna whose reputation for arrogance seems outdated. The museum district, which MUMOK, can spend a wonderful time (I weigh my words guys) enjoying a coffee with the Viennese have the science, then see the permanent and temporary exhibitions like the one dedicated to Maria Lassnig
(see photo above-cons). This exhibition is very troubling, because it expresses the point of nausea experienced by the artist's obsession with old age, sickness, all that is degenerate in general. Once out of the magnificent building MUMOK, go have a drink to recover, and for that, the
Naschmarkt neighbor is shown. There is much gargottes quiet, even when all tables are occupied. Because the Viennese is discreet when it's feast. He does not shoot in the air when his candidate is elected. It has other flaws you may say, but when one is invited, we try to be courteous. Finally, we try. And we admire the region. Until then, it is a success.
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