Consumerism changes our relationship to the identity and time, much more than just our relationship to the products themselves.
The link between identity and therefore time is structured as follows:
- The individual no longer defines its place in society by what it produces but by what he consumes.
- This consumerism is not defined by the act of creating artificial needs (any corporation created) but the fact of continually discredit all the satisfaction already attained.
- The consumer society exists when the act of choosing product takes the central role that was previously working in the society of producers. The daily wants and desires become the main driving force and leader of society.
- The company no longer appears as a cause in which they sacrifice necessarily share his pleasure, but it manifests itself in the form of festivals community unity.
- As the reality principle was once managed by society (moral truths, authority, great causes) it is deregulated and privatized: the individual must set itself responsibilities and limitations. Overwhelming task which he frees himself from commercial organizations. The reality principle is reflected ironically by the obligation to seek pleasure.
-The sense of urgency to provide individuals relief illusory triumph of their excess opportunities, continuing their inadequacy.
- Time pointillist, where each point is separated from others, and appears deceptively as potentially full.
Thomas Eriksen, Tyranny of the moment: "The moment itself is threatened to the extent that the next moment arrives so fast that it becomes difficult to live with this. " "We're about to create a society in which no further thought, almost no more than a few centimeters long. "
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