Monday, March 9, 2009

Is Psychology A Viable Career

hezbollah real or historical ?

As expected, the conflict comes back in Northern Ireland. By favoring some speakers, the British government did not resolve a conflict multi-centennial and refuses to settle : Northern Ireland is it British or Irish? This colonization is so ingrained it has become a tragedy, that define the status of the six counties of Ulster will lead to a transfer of population at least, a renewal of civil war at worst. France, before the unrest in Martinique and Guadeloupe to mention only the most recent, has little to offer advice, but we must recognize Britain a tremendous capacity to implement the motto "divide and conquer". As proof, his latest idea of going directly to Hezbollah. Knowing the history helps that brought on the movements Republican terrorists in Northern Ireland to their Middle Eastern counterparts, including Hizbullah in the Bekaa Valley, it is difficult to find logic in British diplomacy. London has failed to solve its domestic problems, refused to talk for decades with Sinn Fein by taxing at a rate, the IRA terrorism, but did not have the same modesty to have tea with one terrorist organizations the most radical and most dangerous in the Middle East? Could this be a Monty Python sketch?

Terrorist organizations often have the same methods, but not necessarily the same objectives, nor the same ideology. The IRA and its various manifestations, has always been about the return of British forces of occupation in Britain, and the attachment of any Ulster in Ireland. The IRA has always followed a line inspired by Marxism, but despite attempts to establish labeling the "Catholic", is pursuing a secular line. Hezbollah is a movement of religious fundamentalism, created and supported by two foreign countries, whose objective is not only the destruction of Israel but also the war against the Jews in the world as illustrated by the bombings in Argentina in 1994. Both organizations have close ties, but also opposed to their doctrine that can be Marxism and fascism. Some naive pretend to distinguish between the armed wing and the political wing of Hezbollah, saying it must speak with one another to tame. Is unfamiliar with a movement which, in its aspirations, reflects the irrationality of the ideology of its creators: we can make peace with the IRA, whose goals are clear even if they lead to difficult decisions, but with Hizbullah is not faced with the intransigence of his "battle".

fighters of the IRA (Provisional) have been very difficult to recycle, many have become taxi drivers or have experiences of small businesses. Others have offered their services abroad. It is hard to imagine how we could recycle the factions of Hezbollah. These have been successfully integrated within them former members of "Tsadal" residual Israeli army in southern Lebanon, but the dissolution of Hizbullah pose many problems in that fanatical always been in the idea that we must destroy Zionism, the troops would try to make himself useful in a fight that looks like what they've been taught so far. So, like all tragedies, no quick fix: Either Hezbollah is destroyed at the cost of colossal damage on the Lebanese civilian population that protects it against her, where it manages to dissolve and it moves the problem on another front. The British certainly thought about all the alternatives, we bet they will work the best ... their interests.


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