Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Mom In Bra And Panties

A head stuck on a pike No Longer conspire (or Brawl With A Pig and you go Away With history stink)

Like you, I waited for the outcome of Lebanon's parliamentary elections with bated breath. I was glad when it was clear that Aoun was biting the dust, and then I started to hold my breath in anticipation of possible street battles in Lebanon as was used in post-election , football matches or when ISPs have some booze too. As he must breathe from time to time, I decided to start over, especially as it happens eventually not much to Lebanon and that international attention is focused on Iran and its rigged elections. It's reassuring to go account that in the end it just hurt to Iran that it will go well in Lebanon. The Butterfly Effect, the waterbed or while teleporting brill. Therefore hope that this continues to go wrong in Iran. Attention is a joke, much like the Iranian elections.

Note that hezbollah is eerily quiet, just splits it a comment on the new fad of Sarkozy, the burqa-stalking. Realize in 2009 that the burqa is not even useful when camping and it is neither waterproof nor stoning-proof, nor freely chosen by the wearer shows an open mind. Opening symbolized by the arrival in government Fred Mitterrand, which is great. Just great. A bit like the approximation of Netanyahu which would, it says, relations with France rather than an Obama running less than its predecessor. One has the impression, seeing the information, a great waltz in politics that does not help, but turns heads. After all, it's summer. Accordingly, and since this blog is devoted to Lebanon, I am a joy to put on hold for the best reasons of all: the absence of problems in Lebanon, hoping for a quiet summer, then a fall of the same ilk, followed a quiet winter and spring of joy. It is good not having to worry about from time to time and write, but still keep an eye on the bearded are still the kings of the surprise party.

Monday, June 8, 2009

Wfl1601 - Washing Machine

Debate Missed on Library en

That said we do not have much mention either the cessation of national contests, the arrest of SDBIS, stopping the DLL ...

Out of sight out of mind ....

Monday, June 1, 2009

Water Ap Lab Respirometer

What model library?

While Anglo-Saxon libraries aim to render service to the user, the French libraries have the ambition to transform. This referred

"aristo-democratic" (and probably After the French Revolution) could support the development of French libraries and assign them a strong symbolic role. Nevertheless it is questionable when the numbers of registrations reached their limit.

France has been influenced by several historical models of mixed contradictory, but by combining: Library Review Library + People + + The Public Library The House of Culture. This makes it rich, but the universality of tasks adds its operation.

ambition to bring all users of Culture is not really a uniform. Indeed, except for some features municipalities such as direct access and recovery, this mission can justify any priority: activism / consumerism, news / collection, large BMVR / BM neighborhood, internet / print, literature / information practice, cataloging / opening hours ... Brief discussion of the librarians can not really decide what it should do or not, because ultimately any option may be related to any legitimacy "to the public."

Hence perhaps the current temptation to simplify matters by adopting the model of the Public Library (the library serving the information and training different types of people), but at the risk of losing a certain set of universal culture, which, moreover, French users themselves are attached.

What model library? / Collective book published by Presses of Enssib; December 2008.

Crazy Things That Sororities Do For Initiation

Septs June

On one side you have the European elections, no issue, devoid of vision and led by charismatic leaders without the Union's image. On the other, you have a choice of civilization with dismantling networks of spies, trials of terrorist attacks that go from verbal to military and military maneuvers against the backdrop of missile nuclear North Korea. Frankly, I ask you, frankly, what is the election issue that this Sunday, June 7, will hold your attention most?

Each passing day brings its share of fantastic revelations: last week, Der Spiegel claimed that Hezbollah, through its special forces, was assassinated Rafik Hariri, which of course was opposed by the party god on the ground that the links between the German weekly and Israel are well known. In return, the witch trials, or officially cons Mossad spies may incriminate half the population Lebanon, in any case the army. In addition, do not forget that the network will hezbollah trial this week in Egypt, Azerbaijan and even accuses the party of having 100% bearded hatched an attack against the Israeli embassy. March 8, feeling overwhelmed out, launches all its forces inside Lebanon and Aoun encouraged to do what he knows so well: completely delirious. So here he is accusing of being an executor Geagea, a cold-blooded killer, which, when you know a bit the history of Lebanon, recalled the history of the hospital who does not care about the charity or vice versa. And Israel has the right idée de se lancer dans les plus grandes manoeuvres de défense de son histoire, afin peut-être d'oublier la médiocrité de son action durant la guerre de juillet 2006. J'en oublie, mais voilà pour le plus excitant. 

Egyptian Foreign Minister Ahmed Abul Gheit on Sunday said that a suspected Hizbullah cell will' "pay the price" for the party's violation of Egypt's sovereignty.

    "There is no way to overcome the Hizbullah issue. Egypt has a problem with this party and its leadership," he said.

    "It is unacceptable for one side to believe that its own vision of how to help the Palestinians gives it the right to act at the expense of another country's sovereignty… This is completely intolerable," he added.

    "It was a sad day in Egypt when (Hizbullah chief Sayyed Hassan) Nasrallah reacted to the discovery of the cell by saying 'why not?'"

    "I tell him: you have crossed the line. Not only the red lines, but also any kind of respect for the state of Egypt and this cell will pay the price. (Naharnet)

Bordel sans nom. On se rappelle pourquoi le Liban est tellement fascinant : il se passe toujours quelque chose d'incroyable. Il manque l'écrivain that will tell the story of Lebanon, with its feudal, his cheap shots, its plots, her hates and her loves, her universality. June 7, is that anything can really stop in case of victory of the fascists of March 8? March 14 is, admittedly, hardly better, with a professional skipper Druze traitor, a fanatical Christian warlord and a son-in-papa quite incapable Sunni politics, all backed by a strange coalition-west Saudi Arabia. It has been said repeatedly here and elsewhere, March 14 is not a panacea, but it's still better than a megalomaniac senile orange, a bearded master of the underworld and some wrens commuter greedy revenge and territory. The paris open: each side knows cheat and use all means at its disposal to defeat at the polls. This suggests that the issue is relatively open because of some scam offset the manipulations of others. It may especially hope that this will remain a game (?) And June 8 will not be marked by a very painful transition that eventually ignite this powder keg so tempting for so many protagonists.

Dear Lebanon, the world looks at you. If only it were for good reasons. June 7, in any case, you can trump all of Europe and this will be an opportunity for once, do not miss one occasion.