Ah well he had to laugh, the tenant of the Elysee to see us gut with each other for the coming of Ben XVI (but I think it means that there are were 15 before him?). I fell in the first even though this kind of diversion is one of the easiest and best known of the political game: to bring a controversial figure and add in the sycophancy to raise a controversy that will come to nothing, but will divert the attention from more serious problems. When Gaddafi came to pitch his tent in Paris, few have defended the few who did not treat the king of Africa is a dangerous criminal lunatic who supports Sarkozy against all odds. But the pope is something else. It's sacred! So when the indignant defenders of secularism that makes a welcome Republican character also retrograde, misogynist homophobic (but not against a bit of pedophilia from time to time), many French are provided with a Catholic education who see it as an affront to their faith. Dialogue of the deaf, therefore, one feels offended that ridicules the French Republic, whereas the others are outraged that we can attack the most illustrious representative of Christianity. Meanwhile, Sarkozy marries his son (by Pope?) And continues its policy. I do not think it is so bad, the political Sarko, but sometimes you have to give bread and games for the French to allow the UMP to work quietly. The pope was the attraction-distraction of the week. Who is next? Answer at end of post.
Ditto for Sarah Palin: the character is equally archaic and hypocritical, but can divert the debate on topics sexier than keeping troops in Iraq and Afghanistan and the financial crisis facing America and the rest of world. Except of course, Lebanon that still manages to develop an independent system of global trends:
The crisis in global markets will have no impact on the Lebanese economy, nor on the local banking and financial sectors, said Yesterday, Finance Minister Mohammad Shatah.
So much better, Sir, here at least one storm in which Lebanon escape. Because elections within Kadima will give the new guide Israeli policy, and this will surely be a radical change with the robber Olmert: ex-IDF (Mofaz) or ex-Mossad (Livni)? The great tradition of Israeli prime ministers from one or other of these institutions are perpetuated, while in France it has only the choice between lawyer and technocrat. Once the Israelis have chosen, then the Americans will be decided, there will be the new winning pair will decide the fate of Lebanon will have been recalled, the only countries in the world to escape the financial crisis subprime. Then doubled the former army Mofaz McCain or Obama-Livni young guard? I lean toward a compromise Livni / McCain, but I'm suspicious: most non-Americans like a candidate (in this case Obama), less Americans elect. We must therefore encourage and participate in Obamamania chorus of French politicians who, in their entirety, want the Democratic candidate is elected. Strange no, that both the UMP and PS fall agree on the future U.S. president? Do you think they play us, claiming the comedy being agreed on anything in France?
Finally, how important? I will loop the interview with Celine Dion by Denise Bombardier, the very one who sees with her handsome Quebec accent that "the French do their job françaiiiiiise promote the language." I take bits of wisdom and humility, this woman has concentrated in Western and Eastern philosophy it in a perfect synthesis and transcendent. Celine does not sing with her vocal chords, she sings with her coeuuuuur, as she says with conviction but modesty. And that's important. Next time Celine comes to France, I hope she will be welcomed by the President, she will speak before the National Assembly and that we will buy nuclear power plants. And I will defend tooth and nail against the mockers and unbelievers who do not understand that Celine is the amouuuur. Like the pope, but also in Quebec.
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