Planet NSG members exhibit the works of the artist Josette Simon Guiollot (center). Photo Remi Béjot
Once again, the association Planet NSG creates the event by hosting a painting exhibition in perfect harmony with the news. Planet NSG offers exposure "Hotspots" which features some very colorful paintings of large, stapled on the wall as if to indicate the urgency of the situation.
The painter, Josette Simon Guiollot, is the granddaughter of sculptor and implanted Beaune in the Country for several years.
At 12, she is already taking courses at the Fine Arts. In the eighties, she decided to concentrate fully on-the passion and went to Paris to train in several workshops. Then, she will receive training in art therapy that led him to teach his technique to diverse audiences but also to develop a heterogeneous-art project.
The revolt of the Arab people
"Hotspots" is an exhibition of circumstance because it speaks of the revolt of the Arab peoples that Josette Simon Guiollot knows pretty well for them to be made repeatedly. "I'm in revolt and anger, friendship for all those peoples who suffer and who thirst for parole. Faced with these events, our small everyday problems seem trivial and often-futile. I work on the encounter with another in an incessant search for love and communication ", explains the artist.
Suffering and hope for change
The biggest star, with an area of about 6 square meters, was painted a few years ago, echoing the conflict situation in the Gaza Strip. Other paintings are more recent and return inexorably to suffering and hope of change claimed by these people. In the midst of these paintings, all done in acrylic, the artist staged. Several portraits of various sizes and illustrated by bubbles, like a cartoon. The soundbites and reflections that illustrate these phylacteries-contrast with the works and allow everyone to navigate and perspective on the importance of its concerns. The texts speak for themselves-and everyone can navigate.
Info The exhibition runs at the Fief, 3, Republic Square, Saturdays from 10 to 13 hours or by appointment. Contact: tel.; jgsaturne@orange.fr /; www.planetenuits.com/.