How can you be a Christian of the East! Occidental said the de-Christianized, sitting on his Social Security and believes that the world is limited the democratic bliss. (...)
In vain do we expect the outrage of mourners from Europe or the United Unis.Toute peace, even the pseudo-peace of the brave, assumes a defeated, which can not be Jews or Muslims, or even the Kurds, who have regained their territory. Is it legitimate to think out any conspiracy theory but according to the mechanism of the scapegoat Discount Girard, whether it be Christian, as a whole, to be sacrificed on the altar of peace in the Middle East? (...)
In truth, we dig our own graves: the plight of Eastern Christians is an example of what happens when we deny the spiritual world. The invisible is not just a case of ghosts or the original reducible to genetics alone. Enter a church of the East, you will hear what the silence of the churches of the West you cache: the rustle of angels. It is we, Europeans, who, having refused to include in the Constitution of the Christian character of our roots, let us be programmed eradication, and already effective: emptied of Christians either of its components are often more educated, more open, more modern, the region is Muslim, with the exception of Israel.
Friday, March 27, 2009
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Monday, March 16, 2009
Elearners Career Stimulus Package Scam
(Continued chains Marlene and Desp.Lib .: Some photos from my previous office.)
Make meetings but do not forget what are the goals.
Set recurring administrative unconscious in a state of mechanical efficiency.
Stow its archives even if it is boring.
Set priorities and projects fabulous while being happy with the newspaper.
How Long Does Pleuritis Last
Syrian Foreign Minister
Walid al-Muallem Monday Said a conflict in schedules WAS Behind the notable absence of an Official Delegation At The Opening Of The Lebanese embassy in Damascus first.
"It was not intentional," Muallem joined Told News Conference With Visiting Arab League secretary general Amr Moussa.
He Said He Was "under the impression thats the" inauguration WAS Taking place on Sunday "INSTEAD of Monday.Earlier Monday, caseload Rami Murtada Raised the Lebanese flag over-the Building Located In The Residential Neighborhood of Damascus Abu Rummaneh, Which Is Also home to the U.S. Embassy. (Naharnet)
If you think it's foutage of mouth, I invite you to contemplate the 60 years of history between Lebanon and Syria and you will realize that s 'acts of a mistake that anyone could commit. Just think, the opening of the Embassy Lebanon to Damascus, we scribbled it on a post-it to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and they're concerned as a cocktail at the embassy in Fiji. No, see the unwillingness of the Syrians, yet another snub towards its former colony, it does not understand that a Syrian minister has much more important things to do after all. Like what? Well, it will send the number of post-it notes he has to adjust by the end of the decade, it's scary: between peace with Israel and cocktails at the Embassy of Fiji, we understand that it has confused the day of inauguration of the Embassy of Lebanon. From
Anyway, Lebanon has other fish to fry and begin to feel the crisis: there are fewer millionaires in 2009 than 2008 as shown in the following table, extracted from L'Orient-Day , excellent who can remain impartial newspaper year after year and not take sides for anybody and especially not for March 14:
As you can see, two names come at regular intervals in the rankings: Mikati and Hariri. After a brief search in the archives of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Syria, I found a post-it clearly establishes that each family provided a prime minister to the nation. Again, see a causal link seems inappropriate. Lebanon is not clan: it is right that often in a family, there are several members consumed by the need to serve the country while in others not at all. It seems fashionable to complain Bahaa Hariri, who lost $ 300 million between 2008 and 2009. I bet that this loss stems from his legendary good heart, and remember that without the Hariri family, former Presidents of the French Republic are poorly housed.
Our glorious President Sarkozy does not fail to commend the Lebanese president to visit France for the good behavior of his country which does not exclude the idea of attracting nearly 2 million visitors this year. Whatever the June elections, the Quai d'Orsay said loudly, as usual, he did not fear a victory for Hizbullah. L'Orient-day , quality French-language daily, insensitive jokes that would classify it in one camp or another, portrays the refined atmosphere in Paris during the visit of the President as the world waited after that of Fiji (as it is known in Fijian feast) and the rogue Obama: The Lebanese
proudly roamed from Paris yesterday under sunny Spring already the most beautiful avenue in the world and how a family or small group gathered at sidewalk cafes, this first state visit of an Arab president in the Sarkozy era.
(...) On the political side, despite the holiday Sunday, French officials contacted by the Lebanese media have reaffirmed the importance of the gesture of President Sarkozy, who wanted to show how France and the French people hold in Lebanon and intend to support its independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity. President Suleiman will hold talks with the French head of state, Prime Minister the chairmen of the Senate and National Assembly, and with the French Minister of Foreign.
Because yes sir, in France, "despite the leave Sunday" is activated so that the Lebanese can walk proudly in Paris the most beautiful avenue in the world. And we forget the unfortunate incident of Damascus: France is the mother of Lebanon. As long as she remains at her side, everything will be fine. And now sleep, I will.
Monday, March 9, 2009
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As expected, the conflict comes back in Northern Ireland. By favoring some speakers, the British government did not resolve a conflict multi-centennial and refuses to settle : Northern Ireland is it British or Irish? This colonization is so ingrained it has become a tragedy, that define the status of the six counties of Ulster will lead to a transfer of population at least, a renewal of civil war at worst. France, before the unrest in Martinique and Guadeloupe to mention only the most recent, has little to offer advice, but we must recognize Britain a tremendous capacity to implement the motto "divide and conquer". As proof, his latest idea of going directly to Hezbollah. Knowing the history helps that brought on the movements Republican terrorists in Northern Ireland to their Middle Eastern counterparts, including Hizbullah in the Bekaa Valley, it is difficult to find logic in British diplomacy. London has failed to solve its domestic problems, refused to talk for decades with Sinn Fein by taxing at a rate, the IRA terrorism, but did not have the same modesty to have tea with one terrorist organizations the most radical and most dangerous in the Middle East? Could this be a Monty Python sketch?